Role Of IHAF

Mutual Recognition In Halal Trade

IHAF MRA is established following the IHAF Bylaw. It specifies member’s obligations that form the basis for mutual recognition between halal accreditation bodies who are signatories of IHAF MRA.

Activation of IHAF MRA leads to trade facilitation for halal products and services by managing the recognition among the IHAF accreditation bodies member. IHAF MRA signatories enable the accredited halal conformity assessment results in their home country to be mutually recognized by other IHAF accreditation bodies members who are also the IHAF MRA signatories. Being a signatory to IHAF MRA will provide a demonstration of the halal accreditation body’s compliance with the IHAF MRA requirements and will eliminate the need for repeated conformity assessment activities, this will result in facilitating trade between countries due to the mutual acceptance of the accredited halal conformity assessment results.

The Structure of IHAF MRA

The IHAF MRA is structured to enable linking with the IAF MLA and ILAC MRA structure using these Five (5) levels.

 IHAF MRA Structure
IAF/ILAC LevelsLevel 1ISO/IEC 17011
Level 2Product CertificationInspectionManagement System CertificationTestingPerson
Level 3ISO/IEC 17065ISO/IEC17020ISO/IEC 17021-1ISO/IEC17025ISO/IEC 17024
SchemesLevel 4Halal endorsed SchemesHalal SchemesHalal SchemesHalal SchemesHalal Schemes
StandardsLevel 5GSO 2055-1GSO 993    

Note: Schemes may have additional requirements for Levels 1, 2 and 3

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